Are you tired of the scorching heat and blinding glare of driving under the sun? Windshield tinting is the solution you need! In this blog post, we’ll delve into windshield tinting, explaining its benefits and emphasizing the importance of choosing the right tint percentage for your vehicle. 

20 vs. 35 Window Tint: Which One Is Better?

Factor20% Tint35% Tint
DarknessRelatively darkModerate darkness
PrivacyMore privacy, as less light passes throughBalances privacy and visibility
VisibilityMay slightly impact visibility, especially at nightProvides a reasonable amount of light
Legal ConsiderationsCheck local laws and regulationsCheck local laws and regulations
Driving ConditionsConsider specific driving conditionsConsider specific driving conditions

Many vehicle owners face a common dilemma when it comes to cheering 20% and 35% window tint. Which one should you go for? Let’s explore the factors and differences between these two tint percentages.

Should I get 20% or?

The decision between 20% and 35% tint ultimately depends on your preferences and specific requirements. Both options have their advantages and considerations to keep in mind.

Is 35 tint darker than 20?

Yes, 35% tint is darker than 20% tint. The percentage refers to the light that can pass through the tint film. With 35% tint, only 35% of the light can penetrate the film, making it darker compared to 20% tint, which allows 20% of the light to pass through.

When choosing between the two, it’s important to consider factors such as legal regulations in your area, desired level of privacy, visibility requirements, and climate conditions.

A 20% tint provides more privacy because it allows less light to pass through, making it more difficult for others to see inside your vehicle. However, it may slightly affect visibility, especially at night light conditions.

On the other hand, 35% tint offers a good balance between privacy and visibility. It provides moderate darkness while allowing a reasonable amount of light to enter the vehicle.

It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations regarding harmercentages, as some regions have specific restrictions.

Additionally, consider your preferences and the specific conditions you’ll be driving to determine the best option for your needs.

Is 35% Tint Good Enough? Is 20% Tint Dark?

When deciding on the right tint percentage for your vehicle, it’s common to wonder if 35% tint is sufficient or 20% tint is truly dark. Let’s delve into these questions and shed some light on the matter.

Is 35% tint good enough?

The answer to this question depends on your specific needs and preferences. 35% tint is considered a moderate level of darkness. It balances privacy and visibility, allowing a reasonable amount of light to enter the vehicle while providing privacy. This tint percentage is often popular for seeking a comfortable driving experience without compromising visibility during daytime or nighttime.

Is 20% tint dark?

Yes, 20% tint is relatively dark. It allows less light to pass through the tint film, resulting in a darker interior. This level of darkness provides increased privacy and can help reduce glare from the sun. However, it’s important to note that 20% tint may slightly impact visibility, particularly during nighttime or in low-light conditions. It’s crucial to consider your driving habits and the specific conditions you’ll be driving before opting for a darker tint, like 20%.

Ultimately, the choice between 35% and 20% tint comes from personal preference, local regulations, and your driving conditions. It’s recommended to consult with a professional tint installer who can provide guidance based on your needs and ensure compliance with local laws. Remember, striking the right balance between privacy, visibility, and comfort is key when choosing the tint percentage for your vehicle.

What Are The Benefits Of Tinted Windshields?

Tinted windshields offer a range of benefits that go beyond just aesthetics. From privacy and security to heat reduction and UV protection, here are some key advantages of tinted windows.


One of the primary reasons people choose to tint their windshields is to enhance privacy. With tinted windows, it becomes more challenging for outsiders to see inside your vehicle, providing you with greater privacy and security. Whether you’re parked in a busy area or simply want to keep your personal belongings hidden, tinted windshields offer an added layer of privacy.


Tinted windshields can also contribute to improved security. By obstructing the view of your vehicle’s interior, it becomes less attractive to potential thieves. Tinted windows make it harder for them to see valuable items inside, reducing the risk of break-ins and theft.

Keep Out The Heat

One of the most notable advantages of tinted windshields is their ability to reduce heat buildup inside the vehicle. The tint film helps to block out a significant amount of heat from the sun, keeping the interior cooler and more comfortable. This can be especially beneficial during hot summer or in regions with intense sunlight.

Improved Visibility

Contrary to popular belief, tinted windshields can improve visibility, particularly by reducing glare. The tint film helps to filter out excessive brightness, making it easier to see the road and surrounding objects, especially during sunny days or when driving towards the sun.

UV Protection

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can harm your skin and your vehicle’s interior. The tinted windshield offered protection by blocking significant UV rays from entering the vehicle. This helps to reduce skin damage and premature fading or cracking of your car’s interior surfaces.

By choosing to tint your windshield, you can enjoy these benefits and enhance your overall driving experience. However, it’s essential to consider the appropriate tint percentage, such as the 20 vs 35 windshield tint options, to ensure it aligns with your specific needs and local regulations.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between 20 and 35 Windshield Tint

When deciding between 20% and 35% windshield tint, there are several factors to consider. These include legal regulations, the desired level of privacy and visibility, climate and weather conditions, and the type of vehicle and its purpose. Let’s explore these factors in more detail.

Legal regulations and restrictions on tint percentages in different regions

One of the first factors to consider is the legal regulations and restrictions on tint percentages in your region. Different areas may have specific laws governing the darkness of window tints. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these regulations to ensure compliance and avoid potential fines or penalties. Check with your local authorities or consult a professional tint installer knowledgeable about your area’s regulations.

Desired level of privacy and visibility:

Another crucial aspect to consider is your desired level of privacy and visibility. If privacy is your top priority, a darker tint, such as 20%, maybe more suitable. It allows less light to enter the vehicle, making it harder for others to see inside. However, it’s essential to remember that darker tints can slightly impact visibility, especially at night or in low-light conditions. If maintaining good visibility is important, a lighter tint, like 35%, maybe a better choice as it balances privacy and visibility.

Climate and weather conditions:

Your area’s climate and weather conditions should also be considered. A darker tint, like 20%, can provide better heat rejection and help keep your vehicle’s interior cooler if you live in a region with intense sunlight and high temperatures. On the other hand, if you reside in a cooler climate, a lighter tint, like 35%, may be sufficient to reduce glare and provide some heat protection without making the interior excessively dark.

Vehicle type and purpose of use:

Lastly, consider the type of vehicle you have and its purpose of use. If you frequently drive in areas with heavy traffic or well-lit urban environments, a lighter tint, like 35%, can offer adequate privacy without compromising visibility. However, if you have a larger vehicle, such as an SUV or van, or if you often use your vehicle for off-road adventures or camping, a darker tint, like 20%, may provide the extra privacy and sun protection you desire.

Frequently Asked Questions about 20 vs. 35 Windshield Tint

Can I install a tint on my windshield myself?

While it’s possible to install tint on your windshield yourself, it is generally recommended to seek professional installation. Applying tint requires skill and expertise to ensure a smooth and flawless finish.

Will tinting affect my vehicle’s warranty?

In most cases, properly installed window tint should not affect your vehicle’s warranty. However, checking with your vehicle manufacturer or dealership is always a good idea to confirm their specific warranty policies regarding aftermarket modifications.

How long does tint typically last?

The lifespan of window tint can vary depending on various factors, such as the quality of the tint film, climate conditions, and how well it is maintained. A professionally installed tint can last between 5 to 10 years.

Are there any additional maintenance requirements for tinted windshields?

Tinted windshields require some specific care to ensure their longevity and appearance. It is recommended to avoid using abrasive cleaners or rough materials that could scratch the tint. Instead, use a mild soap, soft cloth, or sponge to clean the tinted surface.

What are the potential legal consequences of using illegal tint percentages?

Using illegal tint percentages can result in various legal consequences, such as fines, vehicle inspections, or even revoking your vehicle registration. It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with your region’s tinting laws and regulations to ensure compliance.


when choosing between 20% and 35% windshield tint, it’s important to consider legal requirements, warranty concerns, installation expertise, and maintenance requirements. Professional installation ensures a flawless finish and avoids potential warranty issues. Remember to adhere to legal tint percentages to avoid any legal consequences. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Professional installation is recommended for a flawless finish.
  • Check your vehicle’s warranty policies regarding aftermarket modifications.
  • The lifespan of tint can vary but typically lasts between 5 to 10 years.
  • Use mild soap and soft materials for cleaning tinted windshields.
  • Adhere to legal tint percentages to avoid legal consequences.

With these points in mind, you can make an informed decision and enjoy the benefits of a properly tinted windshield.