Are you tired of paying tolls every time you hit the road? Well, you’re not alone! Many drivers opt for an NTTA toll tag to make their travel experience smoother. But what happens when you no longer need it? In this blog post, we’ll explore what an NTTA toll tag is, why it’s essential to remove it properly, and how to do it without any fines or damage to your windshield. Let’s dive in!

Why would you need to remove an NTTA toll tag?

There are several scenarios where removing your NTTA toll tag from your windshield becomes essential. Let’s explore some of the most common situations:

Moving to a new vehicle

When you purchase a new vehicle or decide to switch cars, you’ll need to remove your NTTA toll tag from the old windshield and transfer it to the new one. This ensures that the toll charges are accurately assigned to the correct vehicle and account.

Selling or leasing your vehicle

If you’re planning to sell or lease your vehicle, it’s crucial to remove the NTTA toll tag before handing it over to the new owner or returning it to the leasing company. By removing the toll tag, you prevent any unauthorized toll charges from being linked to your account and ensure a smooth transition for the new owner or lessee.

Temporarily not using toll roads

If you find yourself in a situation where you won’t be using toll roads for an extended period, it’s a good idea to remove the NTTA toll tag from your windshield. By doing so, you avoid unnecessary toll charges during this period and can save some money.

Benefits of removing the toll tag when not in use

Removing your NTTA toll tag when it’s not in use offers several advantages:

Avoiding unnecessary toll charges

By removing the toll tag from your windshield, you eliminate the risk of incurring toll charges when you’re not actively using toll roads. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re on vacation or temporarily using alternative routes that don’t involve tolls.

Preventing potential fines

In some cases, toll authorities may issue fines for improperly displayed or expired toll tags. By removing the NTTA toll tag when you’re not using it, you eliminate the risk of receiving such fines due to expired or outdated tags.

Protecting your windshield

Leaving the toll tag on your windshield for an extended period can potentially damage the glass, particularly if the tag needs to be forcefully removed later on. By removing the toll tag when you don’t need it, you ensure the longevity and integrity of your windshield.

Preparing for removal

Before you begin the process of removing your NTTA toll tag from your windshield, it’s important to make the necessary preparations. This ensures a smooth and hassle-free removal process. Let’s take a look at the key steps involved in preparing for the removal:

Gather the necessary tools and materials for the process

To successfully remove your NTTA toll tag, you’ll need the following tools and materials:

Microfiber cloth or soft cloth

Having a microfiber cloth or a soft cloth on hand is essential for cleaning the surrounding area of the toll tag and the windshield. This helps remove any dirt, dust, or debris that may have accumulated.

Rubbing alcohol or glass cleaner

Using rubbing alcohol or a suitable glass cleaner is crucial for removing any adhesive residue left behind by the toll tag. This ensures a clean and residue-free windshield after the removal process.

Required information about your toll tag account

Before removing your NTTA toll tag, it’s important to have the necessary information about your toll tag account. This includes:

Toll tag account number

Make sure you know your toll tag account number. This information is usually provided when you initially sign up for the toll tag service. Having this number handy ensures that you can easily update or transfer your toll tag to another vehicle if needed.

Customer service contact information

Keep the customer service contact information for your toll tag provider accessible. This allows you to reach out to them in case you have any questions or require assistance during the removal process.

How To Remove NTTA Toll Tag From Windshield?

Removing your NTTA toll tag from your windshield may seem like a daunting task, but fear not! There are several effective methods you can use to safely and efficiently remove the toll tag without causing any damage. Let’s explore these methods below:

Method 1: Rubbing Alcohol Does The Trick

One of the simplest and most commonly used methods for removing an NTTA toll tag is by using rubbing alcohol. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Start by cleaning the area around the toll tag and the windshield with a microfiber cloth or soft cloth.
  2. Dampen another cloth with rubbing alcohol.
  3. Gently rub the cloth over the adhesive side of the toll tag.
  4. Apply slight pressure and continue rubbing until the adhesive loosens.
  5. Slowly peel off the toll tag from one corner, ensuring not to rush or force it.

Method 2: The Cold Method Is Effective

Another effective method for removing the NTTA toll tag is by using the cold method. Follow these steps:

  1. Place a bag of ice or an ice pack on top of the toll tag.
  2. Allow the toll tag to cool for a few minutes, which helps in loosening the adhesive.
  3. Once the toll tag feels cold, gently peel it off from one corner.
  4. If the toll tag doesn’t come off easily, repeat the process or try another method.

Method 3: Nail Polish Remover Works Instantly

If you’re looking for a quick solution, nail polish remover can come to the rescue. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Apply a small amount of nail polish remover to a cotton ball or cloth.
  2. Gently rub the adhesive side of the toll tag with the nail polish remover.
  3. Let it sit for a few seconds to allow the adhesive to loosen.
  4. Slowly peel off the toll tag from one corner, taking care not to damage the windshield.

Method 4: A Steam Cleaner Can Be Used

Using a steam cleaner is another effective method to remove the toll tag. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Fill a steam cleaner with water and allow it to heat up.
  2. Hold the steam cleaner close to the toll tag, directing the steam towards the adhesive side.
  3. Allow the steam to penetrate the adhesive for a few seconds.
  4. Gently peel off the toll tag from one corner while the adhesive is still warm and softened.

Method 5: Try a Professional Adhesive Cleaner

If the above methods don’t work or you prefer a specialized solution, you can try using a professional adhesive cleaner. These cleaners are specifically designed to remove stubborn adhesives without causing any damage to the windshield. Follow the instructions provided with the adhesive cleaner for the best results.

Common Challenges and Troubleshooting

While removing your NTTA toll tag from your windshield is generally a straightforward process, there may be some challenges that you could encounter along the way. It’s important to be aware of these potential issues and have solutions ready to overcome them. Let’s address some common challenges and provide troubleshooting tips:

Difficulty in peeling off the toll tag

In some cases, the toll tag may be tightly adhered to the windshield, making it challenging to peel off. Here are some solutions to overcome this challenge:

Solution 1: Apply heat

Using a hairdryer or heat gun, gently warm the toll tag and the adhesive. The heat will soften the adhesive, making it easier to peel off the toll tag. Take caution not to overheat the windshield, as excessive heat can cause damage.

Solution 2: Use a plastic scraper

If the toll tag is stubbornly stuck, you can try using a plastic scraper. Gently slide the scraper under one corner of the toll tag and slowly lift it, applying gentle pressure. Be careful not to scratch or damage the windshield while using the scraper.

Residue left behind after removal

Sometimes, even after successfully removing the toll tag, there may be adhesive residue left on the windshield. Here’s how you can tackle this issue:

Solution 1: Rubbing alcohol or glass cleaner

Apply some rubbing alcohol or a suitable glass cleaner to a soft cloth and gently rub the residue. This will help dissolve and remove the adhesive residue. Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that could damage the windshield.

Solution 2: Vinegar or soapy water

If rubbing alcohol or glass cleaner is not available, you can create a solution using equal parts vinegar and water, or mild soapy water. Dampen a cloth with the solution and gently rub the residue until it is removed. Remember to rinse the windshield thoroughly afterward.


1: Can I use a razor blade to remove the toll tag?

It is not recommended to use a razor blade as it can potentially damage the windshield. It is best to use safer methods like rubbing alcohol or heat.

2: What if the toll tag adhesive gets on my hands?

If the adhesive gets on your hands, wash them thoroughly with soap and water. You can also use rubbing alcohol to remove any residue.

3: Can I use a hairdryer on high heat to remove the toll tag?

It is important to use caution when using a hairdryer. High heat can damage the windshield, so it is best to use a low or medium heat setting.

4: Is it safe to use nail polish remover on all types of windshields?

Nail polish remover may contain chemicals that can damage certain types of windshields. It is best to check with the manufacturer or consult a professional before using it.

5: Can I reuse the toll tag after removing it from the windshield?

It is generally not recommended to reuse toll tags once they have been removed from the windshield. Reattaching them may cause issues with proper functionality and may not be allowed by toll authorities.


Removing an NTTA toll tag from your windshield may present some challenges, but with the right techniques and solutions, it can be a hassle-free process. Remember to apply gentle heat, use a plastic scraper if necessary, and clean any adhesive residue with suitable products. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Apply heat or use a plastic scraper for stubborn toll tags.
  • Remove adhesive residue with rubbing alcohol, glass cleaner, vinegar, or soapy water.
  • Avoid using razor blades or harsh chemicals that can damage the windshield.

By following these tips, you can successfully remove your NTTA toll tag and ensure a smooth transition.

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